A Helpful Guide to Japan

The Land of the Rising Investment Opportunities

Reasons to Invest in Japanese Properties

Ownership open for foreign buyers

No restriction to foreign buyers (except farmland). All types of rights: fee simple/leasehold. No size restrictions. Non-resident foreigner or foreign company can purchase almost any.

Large and stable economy

Highly transparent real estate transactions

Relatively low property price to household income

Availability of loan for high credit foreigners

High yield gap (loan vs property yield)

Source: World Bank

Combination of 6 sub index: Performance measurement - 25%, Market fundamentals - 16.5%, Governance of listed vehicles - 10%, Regulatory and legal - 23.5%, Transaction proess - 15%, Sustainability - 10%

Source: https://www.numbeo.com/property-investment/region_rankings.jsp?title=2023&region=142

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Market Overview

Total population projection birth rate assumption (high, mid, low)

Total population projection by age group

Source: Population & Household Projection by National Institute of Population and Social Security Research (2018)

Getting old and shrinking population

Assuming there are no immigration policy changes, these are gloomy pictures.

Source: Population & Household Projection by National Institute of Population and Social Security Research (2018)

Population increase/decrease by prefecture

Population growth only in Tokyo and Okinawa

Population projection inside Tokyo

Source: Population & Household Projection by National Institute of Population and Social Security Research (2018)

Population projection inside Tokyo

If you focus on core areas in Tokyo, you have nice macro picture for real estate investment.

Source: https://www.sumai1.com/useful/plus/market/plus_0202.html

Historical Tokyo 23ward Condo Price (2nd hand)

The global trend is characterized by low interest rates and high asset prices, encompassing various sectors such as bonds, equity, and property. In Japan, a distinctive trend has emerged where dual-income families, primarily those in their younger age, have become the predominant buyers of condominiums in the Tokyo area, often referred to as power couples.

Source: https://www.sumai1.com/useful/plus/market/plus_0202.html

Number of households with dual Income Family (1980-2020)

I think the trend will continue because younger generations tend to choose dual income family.

Tokyo 23ward: 2013-2021 land price increase

Source: https://hudousan-kounyu.com/shisankachi/tokyo

Core Area has increased its value in recent days.

Proximity to center of Tokyo created the difference.

Source: Survey by Recruit (SUUMO portal). The “SUUMO City Ranking 2022 Greater Tokyo Area Edition” was conducted for 10,000 people aged 20 to 49 living in Tokyo, Kanagawa, Saitama, Chiba, and Ibaraki prefectures.

Railway lines that Greater Tokyo residents want to live

Let’s start from looking at “Yamanote Line” first, if you do not have specific preference.

You can focus on major 11 wards (ku), in and around Yamanote Line


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